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2018年06月14日 08:51  点击:[ ]

报告题目:An Exploration of Risk Characteristics of Information Security Threats and Related Public Information Search Behavior

报告人:Jingguo Wang  教授

邀请人:裘江南  教授

时间及地点:2018628日上午上午10:00-11:30  管经新大楼B312

报告简介:Information security (IS) threats are increasingly pervasive and search engines are being used by the public as the primary tool for searching for relevant information. This research investigates the following two questions: (1) How can different information security threats be characterized and distinguished in terms of their risk characteristics? and (2) How are risk characteristics related to public searches for information on IS threats? Applying Slovic’s psychometric analysis, our analyses of survey data first show that unknown risk and dread risk are two underlying dimensions that can characterize different IS threats. Drawing broadly on the literature of information foraging theory, we examine the influence of risk characteristics on public searches for information on these threats. A search engine log is utilized to extract searches related to IS threats. A system of equations with correlated individual-specific error terms is developed and estimated using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. We find that the two risk characteristics exert differential impacts on information search behavior (including types of information sought, number of pages viewed, and length of query). The implications for information security research and practice are discussed.

人物简介:Jingguo Wang is a Professor of Information Systems and Haitian scholar of Dalian university of technology. He graduated from SUNY-Buffalo. His work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, among others. His papers have received best paper awards at AMCIS and the International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. His research has been supported by National Science Foundation and the University of Texas at Arlington.

上一条:美国圣塔克拉拉大学蔡港树教授学术报告 下一条:大连理工大学海天学者汪静国教授学术报告


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