报告主题:Language, Economic Institutions, and Finance
报告人:迟健心 美国内华达大学教授
时间及地点:2018年7月2日 管经学部新大楼D409
邀请人:李延喜 教授
人物简介:迟健心博士,美国内华达大学Lee商学院金融学副教授,研究领域涉及产品市场竞争、高管薪酬、公司估值、并购与盈余管理。他的多篇研究成果发表在国际著名期刊上,例如Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, Journal of Banking and Finance. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, and the Journal of Banking and Finance
报告摘要:Economic institutions determine economic resource allocation. Most research has focused on formal institutions such as law and property-rights protection. Research on informal institutions has mostly focused culture. Recent evidence shows that language, similar to culture, also affects how people think and make economic decisions. We will review recent studies on language in the economics and finance literature, and show how language can affect R&D investment and innovation.