报告主题:Publishing research - lessons learned and good practices
报告人:Vinod Singhal ; Chair Professor at Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology
邀请人:韩昭君 讲师
报告摘要:Professor Singhal will discuss his experiences with publishing empirical research in Operations Management from the perspective of an author as well as an editor and associate editor of various journals. He will share some of the lessons he has learnt and discuss some of the practices that he has found useful. He will also address questions and issues that the audiencesmay have related to the publication process
人物简介:Vinod Singhal is the Charles W. Brady Chair Professor of Operations Management at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Vinod’s research has focused on the impact of operating decisions on accounting and stock market based performance measures. His research has been supported through grants from the US Department of Labor, National Science Foundation, the American Society of Quality, and the Sloan Foundation. He has published over 20 papers in academic journals such as Management Science (MS), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM). Vinod is a Departmental Editor of POM, and Associate Editor of JOM, MS, and MSOM.